712 CROSS-C Shibuya Shinsen Building, Shinsen 20-21, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0045
A Quiet Revolution is happening in Recruitment

Recruitment Culture 2.0

Are you interested in a truly people-centric recruitment culture that talks about good work, client needs and common sense rather than KPIs and billing every other minute?


Our Positions

Professional Talent Sourcing Expert

Read About What We Expect and How We Support Professional Talent Sourcers

Recruitment Consultant
(No Experience)

Read About What We Expect and How We Support Inexperienced Recruitment Consultants

Experienced Recruitment Consultant

Read About What We Expect From and How We Support Experienced Consultants


We offer flexibility in order to create a positive and productive work environment. Our environment values diversity and treats all team members with respect, regardless of their role or level within the organization. By creating a flexible and respectful work environment, we hope to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging, which will lead to increased engagement and satisfaction among our team members.

Smart KPIs

We work with clients to understand their goals and build our internal KPIs and milestones, based on those goals, on a case by case basis. We believe that our approach creates a more sustainable and fulfilling work environment, and allows team members to focus on providing value and delivering results, rather than simply meeting arbitrary targets
Source Edge In a Nutshell

Our Values

We've defined a few concepts that, not only define but, ensure the success and continuity of our business.


We aim to ensure that all interactions with clients, candidates, and other stakeholders are conducted in a respectful and professional manner, and that all communication accurately reflects our clients' brands and messaging. We recognise that our actions can have a direct impact on the reputation of our clients and so are mindful of our role as a representative of our clients' brands. We aim to be a recruitment company can help build trust and strengthen relationships with all stakeholders.


We operate in a collaborative and egalitarian manner. There is a lack of hierarchy, and all team members have the opportunity to contribute and be heard. Decisions are made openly and transparently, with the aim of creating a fair and inclusive workplace culture. This type of team values honesty and openness, and promotes open communication and transparency in all of its interactions.


Attracting candidates requires innovative methods. This may involve using social media, events, and other non-traditional methods to reach a wider pool of candidates. It could also involve creating targeted campaigns and engaging with candidates in unique and memorable ways. We invest time to partner with each other on searches and ideate possible apporaches, uncover dead ends and plot new paths forward.
Our Company Is It's People

Our Team

Matthew Major
Matthew Major
Recruiting Partner
James Pounder
James Pounder
Managing Partner
Representative Director
Namtae Lee
Namtae Lee
Recruitment Consultant
Our Areas of Coverage


Opportunities to work across a variety of industry verticals and build up and broaden your subject-matter expertise.

The software development industry is constantly evolving and is a driving force in the technology sector. In recent years, there has been a shift towards agile methodologies, which prioritize flexibility and collaboration in the development process. Another trend in the industry is the increasing use of open source software, which allows developers to freely use, modify, and distribute source code. The use of open source allows for more collaboration and innovation within the development community, and has led to the creation of a vast array of high-quality tools and resources. In addition, the proliferation of cloud computing has transformed the way that software is developed, deployed, and maintained, making it easier for developers to create and access scalable and reliable systems.

The healthcare and pharmaceutical industry is a vital sector that plays a critical role in improving the health and well-being of people around the world. In recent years, there has been a trend towards personalized medicine, which involves the use of genetic and other data to tailor treatment to the individual needs of patients. This trend is being driven by advances in genomics and other technologies that are providing a deeper understanding of the underlying causes of diseases. Another trend in the healthcare industry is the increasing use of digital technologies to improve the delivery of care, such as electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health apps. These technologies are helping to make healthcare more efficient and accessible, and are enabling the industry to move towards a more value-based model of care.

The increasing availability and accessibility of data has led to a greater demand for data professionals who can analyze and interpret data to inform decision-making.  Machine learning and artificial intelligence have become increasingly important in the field, as they enable data scientists to automate and improve upon traditional data analysis techniques.  The use of cloud computing has made it easier for organizations to store and process large amounts of data, enabling them to gain insights more quickly and at a lower cost.  There is a growing focus on data governance and ethics, as organizations seek to ensure that they are using data in a responsible and transparent manner.  Data visualization tools have become more advanced, allowing data professionals to more effectively communicate their findings to a wider audience.

The information technology (internal IT) industry is focused on providing and supporting the technological needs of organizations. This includes everything from maintaining and upgrading hardware and software, to implementing and managing networks and databases. In recent years, there has been a trend towards the use of cloud computing in the internal IT industry. This involves storing and accessing data and applications over the internet, rather than on local servers. The use of cloud computing can provide organizations with greater flexibility and scalability, as well as cost savings. Another trend in the internal IT industry is the increasing use of automation and artificial intelligence to streamline and improve the efficiency of IT processes. This includes the use of tools such as chatbots and machine learning algorithms to handle routine tasks and provide support to users.

The cybersecurity industry is focused on protecting organizations and individuals from cyber threats such as hacking, data breaches, and malware. In recent years, there has been a trend towards the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve cybersecurity. These technologies can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that may indicate a security threat, allowing organizations to proactively defend against attacks. Another trend in the cybersecurity industry is the increasing importance of cloud security, as more organizations move their data and applications to the cloud. This has led to the development of specialized tools and services to protect against threats specific to the cloud environment. In addition, the proliferation of internet-connected devices, known as the Internet of Things (IoT), has created new security challenges, as these devices can potentially be used to access networks and data. As a result, there is a growing need for cybersecurity professionals who are skilled in securing IoT devices.

The UI/UX industry is focused on the design and user experience of digital products and services. This includes everything from websites and mobile apps, to software and smart home devices. A recent trend in the UI/UX industry is the use of design thinking, which is a user-centered approach to problem solving that involves empathy, experimentation, and iteration. This approach is being applied to a wide range of industries, and is helping designers create more intuitive and effective products and services. Another trend in the UI/UX industry is the increasing use of data and analytics to inform design decisions. By collecting and analyzing data on how users interact with products, designers can gain insights into what works well and what can be improved upon. This data-driven approach is helping to create more user-friendly and effective designs.

Salaried Sourcing Professional


commission per placement

Training in the Recruitment Industry
Stable base salary
Team Wide Collaboration and Support
Flexible working arrangements
Uncapped Annual Leave
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Salaried Consultant


commission, subject to draw

Attractive base or no-base remuneration options
Team Wide Collaboration and Support
Flexible working arrangement
Uncapped Annual Leave
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Commission Only Consultant


commission, no base

Highest commission structure in Japan
Team Wide Collaboration and Support
Flexible Working Arrangements
Uncapped Annual Leave
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Reach Out to Our LeadershipTeam

Opportunities to work across a variety of industry verticals and build up your subject-matter expertise

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